Monday, August 10, 2020

Baby books are your best friends! (Part 1)

Hello Hello!

I have decided to write my next post on baby books  because I want to take stock of what we have and organise my wishlist!

We were too busy navigating other challenges in the first couple of months, and between the nursing, pooping, diapering, napping (or lack of) and disturbed nights, buying toys or books didn't even cross my mind. We had a couple of gifted rattles and squeaky toys which we used, and I was yet to discover the universe of baby entertainment which was awaiting me (and Tammy of course!).

The first book I bought for Tammy was in late August 2019, when she was 3 months old. It was "Alphabet Zoo" By Stephen Holmes. I saw it at a friend's place and really liked it.

The next set of books was given to us by my friend Dipti, whose son outgrew a lot of his collection. This was the first time I heard of the ever famous Julia Donaldson. She had also collected a beautiful lot of behavioural books such as "Manners Time", "Excuse me" and "Mine".

For the first couple of months, I didn't think the books were making an impression on her. She played on her tummy a lot, but was always on the move and did not take a second look at the books. We kept trying to read them to her, and suddenly at about 5-6 months, she started taking an interest in them. Reading the story was not well received, but she loved looking at the pictures. 

By 7-8 months when she started sitting up, she would take out all her books from the bookshelf by herself, and flip through all the pages at top speed! Being an active baby who crawled, stood and walked fairly early, reading time was one of the few moments when the little busybody would sit in one place for 10 minutes! Phew, it was a relief!

Look at her enjoying the books. I was stunned, and so glad my friends introduced me to this wonderful activity for her 😃

Our collection kept growing...


and growing...


and growing! Below is about half our current stash 😀

At one point my father asked me if there are any Indian books for her, since all the references were foreign to us. This got me exploring the world of Indian baby books!

In my next post on books, I will make lists of where to buy them, Instagram curators to follow for recommendations, and my wishlist.


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Baby books are your best friends! (Part 1)

Hello Hello! I have decided to write my next post on baby books  because I want to take stock of what we have and organise my wishlist! We w...